Yowser! Can you Adam and Believe it - this will
be my last ever update of my WebThingy. Yep, I am nearing the end of my travels and will soon be heading in the
direction of home, and have no more wildly interesting stories to tell (Jeepers - heres hoping nothing interesting happens
on my way home!)
So, enjoy the thrilling tales of my wanderings
one last time - because its your last chance! (well....not really, I just wanted it to sound dramatic)

I need a wee |
Greetings!! I'm Will
Miller - you may know me from such educational institutions as Holmwood schoool, Merchant Taylors School, Hugh Baird College,
or even that funny old place Dundee University ( that is to say the Art College - Duncan of Jordanstone !)
I have merrily created this WebThingy as I have
disappeared from this grey little Island of rain and gravy, to wander aimlessly around the globe (and perpetual summers!). But
dont worry - I have put all my thrilling and wildly interesting tales of my entertaining travels here for the entire world
to enjoy, jeepers I'm generous.
So here you are, my WebThing.....If you find yourself
locked in a computer room, and having finally got bored of translating rude words on babelfish.com....it may raise bit
of a chuckle.

My friend Wendy |
So the site continues to grow!! All the new
stuff has, amazingly, the word new next to it, and it should be all in chronological order. Have a look see and find some
delightful piccies along with my tales. Enjoy

Captain Caveman |
If you think this site is rubbish, say it to my face, via this email, Tough guy! Click here to get my email address.
William Miller says Greetings!! I'm Will Miller - you may know
me from such educational institutions as Holmwood schoool, Mertchant Taylors School, Hugh Baird College, or even that funy
old place Dundee University ( that is to say the Art College - Duncan of Jordanstone !)
I have merrily created this WebThingy as I have disappeared from this grey little
Island of rain and gravy, to wander aimlessly around the globe (and perpetual summers!). But dont worry - I have put
all my thrilling and wildly interesting tales of my entertaining travels here for the entire world to enjoy, jeepers I'm generous.
So here you are, my WebThing.....hope you enjoy!!